Project Two:
Entomology Advice
What part of your insect collection experience was the easiest?:
The easiest part of my assignment was catching the insects. Also it is not that it was the easiest but it was the funnest.
What part of you insect collection experience was the hardest?:
The hardest part of my assignment was being able to join the class, and actually spend time on the project. Besides that, figuring what type of insects that I had caught were.
If you had to start another collection for this class, what would you do differently the second time? What would you do the same way?:
If I had to start another collection in class, I would set time back so that I had a specific amount of time to work on the project; I would work on it in class and not procrastinate. If I were to do anything the same I would say that I would still search in the areas I had already have searched.
Give the most important piece of advice you can think of to help for an amateur insect collector.:
Well, seeing as how I am a beginner as well... Not much. But for the sake of my grade i would say that you need to dedicate yourself to the project. Don't slack off, or plan other things on the days you have to work on the project.
Share two website links that would be helpful to beginning collectors.:
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