Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Post #5 1:)

Progeria is caused by a single tiny defect in a child's genetic code, but it has devastating and life-changing consequences. On average, a child born with this disease will be dead by the age of 13. As they see their bodies fast forward through the normal process of ageing they develop striking physical symptoms, often including premature baldness, heart disease, thinning bones and arthritis. There is a family that has five children with this disease. Check out this video for more information.


Anonymous said...

That video is actually really sad, that gives me totally different prospective on my life. maybe we don't have it so bad after all.

Anonymous said...

To only have a life expectancy of 13-15 years is devastating. Progeria is a serious health concern. I hope the family in that video gets through it all.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how any family member could go through that, exspecially when they get to where there just teenagers :(