What is it? short stature resulting from a medical condition
What are the causes of this disorder? underdevelop during childhood, low blood levels of the growth hormone during childhood, to very short height with arms and legs that are not in proportion to the rest of the body.
Who does it affect? Whenever your born
How does it affect the person? Medical conditions, and Doesn't grow past 4'10".
What are the treatments? No treatment.
How or can it be prevented? there is no cure, this disease just happens natural.
What is the life expectancy of a person with this disorder? People with dwarfism have a mean average lifespan of only 10 years less than the general population.
Find and post a video that deals with this disorder.
Make sure to list all websites and resources used to find information for each disorder. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarfism
To me I don't think Dwarfism would be all that bad all except for the medical problems and having to get things specially made for you like appliances and stuff.
I know this might sound rude, but I think dwarfism is a little humorous. To be so short, and incapable of doing so much would suck. It makes me thankful for being tall.
I would hate to be so Small. They all look so happy, and they don't let their disease bring them down, that's for sure.It seems to me, as if they have a positive outlook on the way they are.
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