Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Post Two! :)

1. What part of your insect collection experience was the easiest?
Pinning all the bugs and collecting them! :)
2. What part of your insect collection experience was the hardest?
Figuring out what bug was what and labeling.
3. If you had to start another collection for this class, what would you do differently the second time? What would you do the same way?
I would do it by my self and get better materials and not wait till the second to last day to put it all together. And i would look for bugs all the time no matter where i was at and what time like i did this time. :)
4. Give the most important piece of advice you can think of for an amateur insect collector.
Never give up on that one little but that you really want, and want to find out about! :) just crawl on the ground and sneak up on it and catch it! :)
5. Share two website links that would be helpful to beginning collectors.

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