Friday, November 18, 2011

Post 5! (2) Rhi

Angelman Syndrome!

Angelman syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes developmental disabilities and neurological problems, such as difficulty speaking, balancing and walking and, in some cases, seizures. Frequent smiles and outbursts of laughter are common for people with Angelman syndrome, and many have happy, excitable personalities.

It's most often caused by problems with a gene located on chromosome 15 called the ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A (UBE3A) gene.

You receive your genes, which occur in pairs, from your parents. One copy comes from your mother (maternal copy), and the other copy comes from your father (paternal copy).

In a small percentage of cases, however, Angelman syndrome may be inherited from a parent, so a family history of the disease may increase a baby's risk of developing Angelman syndrome.

Because there isn't a way to repair chromosome defects, there's no cure for Angelman syndrome. Treatment focuses on managing the medical and developmental problems that the chromosome defects cause.


Anonymous said...

So this is kinda scary thought to see your baby get really sad and then become really happy, but I don't see how they can just all of a sudden say its some kind of a disease.

Anonymous said...

Can they die from having this disorder??

Anonymous said...

This would be really sad. have like mixed emotions as a baby.

Anonymous said...

Very informative, I am glad that I took the time to read this. Also, I like the selection of videos that you chose.