Wednesday, November 16, 2011

post 5...genetic disorder #1 (Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum)

Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
is a genetic disease that causes fragmentation and mineralization of elastic fibers in some tissues.
Usually, pseudoxanthoma elasticum affects the skin first, often in childhood but frequently later. Small, yellowish papular lesions form and cutaneous laxity mainly affects the neck, axillae (armpits), groin, and flexural creases (the inside parts of the elbows and knees). Skin may become lax and redundant.
It affects both men and women, females are twice as likely to be affected as males There is no treatment that directly interferes with the disease process, although dietary restriction of calcium has been tried with limited results. For excessive areas of skin, plastic surgery may be needed.
This disorder has a normal life expectancy.

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